Childlike Faith: A Father's Lessons from Jesus' Teaching About Children
Children teach us valuable lessons about having a true Christian attitude. Here's what we can learn from their example to better understand Jesus' words about becoming "as little children."
Man teaching two young children
Children naturally demonstrate four key qualities that Christians should emulate:
They eagerly seek time with their parents. Children constantly want to spend time with their parents, finding joy in simple activities together. Similarly, Christians should eagerly seek time with God through prayer, Bible study, and meditation (James 4:8).
They forgive quickly and completely. When parents apologize, children readily respond with "It's okay" and move forward without harboring resentment. Jesus taught abundant forgiveness (Luke 17:3-4), a quality that comes naturally to children.
Father sitting with two small children
They trust completely. Children naturally trust their parents to meet all their needs. Christians should similarly trust God as their provider and protector (Matthew 6:25-32), bringing all concerns to Him in prayer.
They genuinely want to please. Despite occasional mischief, children inherently desire to make their parents proud. Christians should seek to honor God by obeying His commands and pursuing His Kingdom first (John 14:15; Matthew 6:33).
This childlike attitude differs from childishness. While Paul urged Christians to mature past "childish things" (1 Corinthians 13:11), Jesus emphasized maintaining these pure, childlike qualities in our relationship with God.
Father carrying young child on shoulders
Father lifting child outdoors
Baby cradled in father's hands