Names Matter: Understanding the Significance of God's Names and Their Meaning
Names identify and can shape our personality. While some treat names casually, their significance - especially God's names - deserves careful consideration.

Name tag written in chalk
Parents carefully choose names for their children, as names can impact a person's life. Many countries even ban controversial names like "Nutella" (France), "Facebook" (Mexico), and "Adolf Hitler" (Germany) to protect children from potential ridicule.
Biblical names carried specific meanings, often describing circumstances or characteristics:
- Adam: "ruddy" (made from red earth)
- Peleg: "division" (earth was divided in his time)
- Isaac: "laughter" (parents laughed at prophecy of his birth)
- Nabal: "fool" (lived up to his name through poor choices)
God's names reveal different aspects of His nature and character:
- Elohim: reveals God as a family
- El Shaddai: "Almighty God"
- I AM THAT I AM: the eternally existing One
- YHWH: the "Self-Existent One"
- YHWH Yireh: "The LORD Will Provide"
- YHWH Nissi: "The LORD Is My Banner"
The Third Commandment prohibits taking God's name in vain. Common violations include:
- Using "Oh my God" or "OMG"
- Saying "Jesus" or "jeez" as exclamations
- Using euphemisms like "gosh" or "golly"
- Making false vows in God's name
- Speaking lies in His name
We should honor God's name in prayer and daily speech (Leviticus 22:32; Matthew 6:9), recognizing that He "will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain" (Exodus 20:7).

Man gesturing upward in vehicle

Man praying with bowed head

Gold text "YHWH?" on dark background
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