Ten Essential Lessons from Jim Shaddix's Life and Legacy in Ministry
Jim Shaddix, a remarkable minister and preacher, passed away on February 1, 2025, after battling brain cancer for a year. His impact on countless lives and ministries spans the globe, leaving an enduring legacy of faithful service.
Here are ten key lessons from his life and ministry:
Kingdom leadership begins with prayer. Jim consistently demonstrated this by starting classes on his knees and maintaining a deep prayer life, often found pleading with God in private moments.
Love for God's Word drives preaching. He constantly memorized Scripture, even reciting entire books while running, and maintained this connection even during his final days in hospice.
Effective preaching reveals Scripture's intended meaning. His definition emphasized bringing the Holy Spirit's intended meaning and power to contemporary listeners, leading to the establishment of the Jim Shaddix chair of expository preaching at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Christ-centered exposition transforms lives. Jim believed Jesus was central to all Scripture and every sermon, leading many to faith through his biblical teaching.
Spiritual intimacy fuels faithful preaching. His preparation always began with prayer, demonstrating remarkable spiritual sensitivity even during his illness.
Gospel proclamation extends beyond the pulpit. Jim consistently shared the gospel in both public ministry and personal encounters.
Discipleship is ministry's foundation. Beyond his pastoral roles and published works, Jim's greatest impact came through intentional mentoring of future church leaders.
Discipleship combines teaching and life sharing. His signature phrase "Come in here real close" reflected his approach to both preaching and personal mentorship.
Family and ministry intertwine. His 42-year marriage to Debra exemplified how family life can enhance ministry impact.
Faithful service yields lasting fruit. His ministry continues through the lives he touched, including countless spiritual sons and daughters in ministry worldwide.

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Jim Shaddix's funeral will be held on February 7, 2025, at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary's Binkley Chapel in Wake Forest, North Carolina, with live streaming available on YouTube.
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