Embracing Life's Inefficiencies: A Case Against Modern Paganism
Life in our modern world is increasingly driven by the pursuit of efficiency through technology - from Amazon Prime to ChatGPT. While these tools promise to perfect the human experience, they often leave us anxious and depressed when life inevitably remains difficult.
This mindset echoes ancient paganism - the belief that proper sacrifices and rituals could control natural processes. Today's "technique," as philosopher Jacques Ellul calls it, similarly promises mastery through technology. But like the Tower of Babel, this represents humanity's attempt to "make a name" for themselves apart from God.
Our culture of optimization feeds discontent. When everything is supposedly perfectible through the right "hack," we blame ourselves for life's inherent challenges. This discontent is a form of idolatry - wanting more than God's abundant provisions, just as Eve desired the forbidden fruit despite having access to every other tree in Eden.
Jesus warned against this mindset in Luke 12, telling of a rich man deemed foolish for building bigger barns to store his wealth. The man's error wasn't in his success, but in finding security in possessions rather than God. "Life is more than food, and the body more than clothing," Jesus taught.
True contentment starts with accepting life's given realities - birth, family, location, death - as divine gifts rather than problems to optimize. As Wendell Berry writes: "You mustn't wish for another life. You mustn't want to be somebody else." The greatest joys often come through life's inefficiencies: children, friendships, learning.
This Thanksgiving, resist the urge to optimize away discomfort. Instead, receive your life - including challenging family dynamics - as a gift from God. The digital age makes it easy to avoid inconvenience, but the richest blessings resist such control. Choose thankfulness over technique, contentment over control.
Life's difficulties aren't solved through better technology or techniques. They're faced through grateful acceptance of God's provisions and faithful stewardship of what He's given. Don't exchange real relationships and tangible blessings for virtual possibilities. Your true empire isn't online influence - it's your household, given to you by God to steward with wisdom and love.
Book cover: Growing Together