Join TGC's Bible Reading Journey in 2020
God has given us his Word through the Bible - a direct message from heaven that can make us "wise for salvation" (2 Tim. 3:16). Unlike searching the cosmos for signs of intelligent life, we have immediate access to divine communication through Scripture.
The Bible represents God's intentional revelation in words we can understand. He wasn't satisfied with revealing himself only through creation - though the heavens declare his glory (Ps. 19:1). He chose to communicate through written language, making his truth accessible to humanity.
John Wesley captured the right response to God's Word when he declared: "I want to know one thing, the way to heaven... He hath written it down in a book. Give me that book! At any price give me the Book of God!"
To help Christians engage with Scripture in 2020, The Gospel Coalition is partnering with Crossway to launch the "Read the Bible" initiative with these components:
- Bible Reading Plan: Following Robert Murray M'Cheyne's plan to read through the entire Bible in a year
- Daily Newsletter: Featuring Don Carson's devotional reflections and related articles
- Podcast: Audio readings of Carson's "For the Love of God" devotional commentary
- Online Articles: Weekly Bible and theology content aligned with the reading plan

Gospel Fluency book cover design
We must never let other resources distract us from hearing God's voice directly through Scripture. While supplementary materials can enhance our understanding, the Bible itself remains our primary source of spiritual nourishment.
Join us in committing to regular Bible reading in 2020. God is not silent - we have his voice at our fingertips. Let's seek him daily through his Word.
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