The Brave Priest's Wife Who Protected Christmas's Future

By Rev. Daniel Matthews, M.Div.

December 12, 2024 at 06:39 AM

In ancient Judah, a brave woman named Jehosheba played a crucial role in preserving the Messianic lineage when all seemed lost. After King Ahaziah's death, his mother Athaliah seized power by murdering her own grandchildren to eliminate any heirs to the throne.

Jehosheba, sister of the fallen king and wife of priest Jehoiada, secretly rescued her infant nephew Joash from the massacre. She and her husband hid him in the temple for six years, raising him in God's ways while Athaliah ruled.

This act preserved God's promise to maintain David's royal line, through which the Messiah would come. When Joash turned seven, he was revealed as the rightful heir and crowned king. He ruled for 40 years, leading Judah back to true worship.

The significance extends beyond that moment - Joash's grandson Uzziah appears in Jesus's genealogy (Matthew 1:9). Jehosheba's courage preserved the lineage that would ultimately lead to Christ's birth in Bethlehem.

In God's providence, a single act of bravery by a priest's wife helped ensure the fulfillment of messianic prophecy. Like a precious seed preserved in a vault, young Joash carried the genetic line through which salvation would come to the world.

This story reminds us that even in dark times when evil seems victorious, God is still working through his people to keep his promises. Without Jehosheba's intervention, there may have been no Christmas story to tell.

Through her quiet defiance of a wicked ruler, Jehosheba played an essential part in God's redemptive plan. Though she couldn't have known the full significance, her faithfulness helped preserve the lineage of the Savior of the world.

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