Why Taking Extra Time Might Be Exactly What You Need

Why Taking Extra Time Might Be Exactly What You Need

By Rev. Daniel Matthews, M.Div.

December 10, 2024 at 01:53 PM

Your journey is uniquely yours, and sometimes it requires more time than others might expect.

Blueberries with one green berry

Blueberries with one green berry

When faced with jet lag recently, a friend's dismissive "Stop making a fuss" comment highlighted an important truth: we all process changes and challenges differently. While some may bounce back quickly, others need more time to adjust – and that's perfectly okay.

Consider Jonah's story. When God directed him to Nineveh, instead of immediately obeying, he fled in the opposite direction (Jonah 1:3 NLT). Yet God didn't abandon him. Instead, He patiently worked with Jonah until His plan was fulfilled. This teaches us a valuable lesson: divine patience exceeds human expectations.

If you're feeling pressured to move faster or perform better, remember:

  • Your pace is your own
  • Where human patience ends, God's grace begins
  • Taking small steps forward is better than standing still
  • Prayer connects you to the strength you need

Today, focus on taking one step forward. It doesn't need to meet others' expectations – it just needs to move you closer to God. Through prayer, you'll find the resources and strength you lack.

Remember, you are unique, valuable, and truly a miracle in progress.

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