Keep Listening to Christmas Music Even After the Holidays
The incarnation of Christ deserves year-round reflection, not just during the Christmas season. Here's why we should keep Christmas hymns in rotation throughout the year:
Meditation on the Incarnation The profound truth of God becoming flesh shouldn't be confined to December. From Genesis to Revelation, Scripture tells the story of God pursuing relationship with His people, culminating in Jesus dwelling among us (John 1:14). The incarnation is foundational to the gospel – without Christ's birth, there is no cross, resurrection, or hope of eternal life.
Beyond Seasonal Celebrations While special focus during Christmas is valuable, limiting incarnation-focused worship to one month significantly understates its importance. Songs like "Who Would Have Dreamed" remind us of the astonishing reality that God chose to dwell among us – a truth that many cultures still find incomprehensible.
Year-Round Spiritual Nourishment Our souls experience winter seasons regardless of the calendar. When life feels dark and cold, Christmas hymns can warm our spirits by reminding us of Emmanuel – God with us past, present, and future. Even after decorations are stored away, the Light of the world continues to pierce our darkness.
Rich Theological Content Many Christmas hymns contain deep theological truths that enhance worship year-round. Songs like "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing" beautifully express core Christian doctrines about Christ's nature and work. These familiar melodies unite congregations while teaching sound theology.
Book cover: Growing Together
Practical Implementation Churches can intentionally incorporate Christmas hymns throughout the year, pairing them with relevant Scripture passages and sermons. Rather than storing these songs away with seasonal decorations, we should keep them readily available as tools for worship and spiritual growth.
The incarnation's significance extends far beyond the Christmas season. By maintaining these rich hymns in our regular worship rotation, we continually remind ourselves of the extraordinary truth that God became flesh to dwell among us.